Oil-free air compressor is a common air compression equipment, which uses oil-free lubrication technology and does not require the use of lubricating oil, so it can avoid oil pollution and maintenance problems. The working principle of oil-free air compressor involves four main processes: compression, cooling, filtration and discharge.

First, the oil-free air compressor compresses the air through the compressor part. The compressor is the core component of the entire air compressor, usually using a rotating vane or blade structure. When air enters the compressor, a rotating blade or vane compresses the air to a higher pressure. The increase in pressure in the compressor is achieved by reducing the volume of air, that is, by pushing the air into a smaller space through the rotation of the blades or rotating discs.

Next, the compressor feeds the compressed air into the cooler for cooling. In a cooler, compressed air exchanges heat with a cooling medium (usually water or air) to reduce the air temperature. The purpose of cooling is to prevent the compressor from overheating, while also helping to reduce the water vapor content in the air to improve the effect of subsequent filtration and separation.

The cooled compressed air then enters the filter for filtration. The filter is mainly used to remove solid particles and liquid particles in the air to ensure clean air quality. Common filters are coarse filters, which are used to remove larger particles, and fine filters, which are used to remove smaller particles and liquid moisture.

Finally, the filtered air is discharged through the exhaust valve. The exhaust valve controls the discharge of air by adjusting the pressure difference to ensure stable pressure. In general, oil-free air compressors are also equipped with a separator for separating liquid moisture in the air to ensure 64b5b8012fe92.jpg

It should be noted that the oil-free lubrication technology used by oil-free air compressors does not mean that there is no lubrication at all. Between the rotating parts of the compressor and the seals, special lubricating materials or coatings are usually used to reduce friction and wear. The advantage of this lubrication technology is that it can avoid the pollution of lubricating oil to air quality and reduce the frequency of maintenance and repair work.

In general, the working principle of the oil-free air compressor is the process of compression, cooling, filtration and discharge of the air through the compressor, and the use of oil-free lubrication technology to achieve efficient, clean and reliable air compression. This technology is widely used in many industrial fields, such as electronics, pharmaceuticals, food processing, etc., and is especially suitable for situations requiring high air quality and environmental friendliness.