Oil-free air compressor is a kind of air compression equipment with high efficiency and low energy consumption, which has more advantages than traditional lubricating air compressors. The oil-free air compressor process includes the following main steps:

1. Air source preparation: The air source of oil-free air compressor can be air, nitrogen, etc. In the process, it is first necessary to purify and dry the air source to ensure that the quality of the gas entering the oil-free air compressor meets the requirements.

2. Compression system: oil-free air compressor compresses the gas to a certain pressure through the compression system. Compression systems are usually composed of multiple compressors, each of which has a corresponding pressure ratio and exhaust temperature. Compressors usually use high-efficiency centrifugal or screw compressors.

3. Cooling system: A lot of heat will be generated during the compression process. In order to ensure the normal operation of the oil-free air compressor, it is necessary to cool the compressor exhaust. Cooling systems usually include air coolers and water coolers, which dissipate heat to the surrounding environment through radiators or cool it with water.


4. Lubrication system: Unlike traditional lubricating air compressors, oil-free air compressors do not need to use lubricating oil for lubrication. In the process, special lubrication materials or lubrication technologies, such as dry lubrication, grease, etc., are usually used to ensure the normal operation of mechanical parts and reduce wear.

5. Filtration system: oil-free air compressor needs to filter the gas entering the machine to remove suspended particles, liquid water and oil mist. Filtration systems usually include primary filters, intermediate filters, and advanced filters, and different levels of filters can remove different sizes of particles.

6. Control system: The control system of oil-free air compressor is used to monitor and control the entire process flow. The control system can monitor parameters such as pressure, temperature, lubrication status, and adjust the operating state of the compressor as needed to achieve better performance and energy efficiency.

7. Exhaust system: After the compressor compresses the gas, the compressed gas is discharged through the exhaust system. Exhaust systems usually include exhaust pipes, mufflers and other devices to reduce noise and emit compressed gas.

8. Maintenance and maintenance: oil-free air compressors need regular maintenance and maintenance to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and extend the service life. Maintenance includes cleaning filters, replacing lubricating materials, checking mechanical parts, etc.

In summary, the process of oil-free air compressor involves air source preparation, compression system, cooling system, lubrication system, filtration system, control system, exhaust system, and maintenance and other links. Through reasonable process flow and control measures, oil-free air compressor can achieve high efficiency, low energy consumption performance characteristics, widely used in all walks of life.