Oil-free air compressor system equipment procurement, installation and commissioning, and access to the existing system, can achieve comprehensive energy saving of the compressed air system under the premise of ensuring that the air consumption is not met.

The supplier is responsible for the manufacturing, transportation (including transportation insurance), unloading and installation of all equipment (including pipelines and electrical lines, etc.), unit commissioning and operator training.

Oil-free air compressor is a kind of equipment that uses air as the working medium and provides power through compression and exhaust. Compared with traditional oil air compressors, oil free air compressors have many advantages. I will introduce the advantages of oil-free air compressors in detail.

First of all, oil-free air compressors are oil-free. Traditional oil air compressors use lubricating oil to reduce wear and friction on mechanical components, but this also brings a series of problems, such as oil-water separation, oil and gas recovery and waste oil disposal. The oil air compressor does not need lubricating oil, which avoids the occurrence of these problems and reduces the pollution to the environment.


Secondly, oil-free air compressors do not require additional oil and gas treatment. During the use of oil air compressor, due to the existence of lubricating oil, it will lead to a certain amount of oil in the exhaust, which needs further oil and gas treatment, such as cooling, filtration and drying. The oil-free air compressor does not require these additional processing steps, simplifying the design and operation of the gas treatment system.

Third, oil-free air compressor exhaust clean. Because the oil-free air compressor does not use lubricating oil, the exhaust does not contain harmful substances such as oil mist and oil vapor, ensuring the net and pure exhaust. This is very important for some special industries, such as food, medicine and electronics, to avoid the impact of oil pollution on the quality of products and the working environment.

Fourth, the maintenance cost of oil-free air compressor is low. Since the oil-free air machine does not require lubricating oil, the purchase and replacement cost of lubricating oil is reduced. At the same time, the mechanical parts of the oil-free air compressor are also relatively simple, and the maintenance and maintenance costs are low. This can reduce equipment operating costs and improve economic benefits for enterprises.

Fifth, the operation of oil-free air compressor is stable and reliable. Because the oil-free air compressor does not use lubricating oil, it reduces the failure and instability caused by poor oil lubrication. In addition, the mechanical components of the oil-free air compressor are also optimized to improve the reliability and stability of the equipment, reducing downtime and maintenance frequency.

Sixth, oil-free air compressor has strong adaptability. Oil-free air compressors can be applied to a wide range of working environments and conditions, including high temperature, low temperature, high humidity, cold and other special conditions. It can be flexibly adjusted and configured according to different working requirements to meet the various requirements of users for air compression equipment.

Seventh, oil-free air compressor energy saving and health. Because the oil-free air compressor does not require lubrication, the loss and energy consumption are reduced, and the energy saving is achieved. At the same time, the exhaust of oil-free air compressor is clean and pollution-free, reducing the load on the environment and pollutant emission protection, oil-free air compressor has many advantages such as no oil lubrication, no additional oil and gas treatment, clean exhaust, low maintenance cost, stable and reliable operation, strong adaptability, energy saving and health. In modern industrial production, oil-free air compressors are more and more widely used, providing enterprises with reliable, efficient and hygienic air compression solutions.