The newly added oil-free air compressor system equipment for painting includes equipment installation and debugging, system pipelines, valves, measuring instruments and meters, and access to the existing automatic group control system, etc., to verify the supply and demand balance between the actual gas production of the equipment and the end of the load as well as the design technical parameters, meet the requirements of the purchaser, and the supplier shall be responsible for the final effect of the bidding system until it is accepted. Delivered to the purchaser for use, the project is a turnkey project.

Oil-free air compressor refers to a kind of air compression equipment that does not use lubricating oil to run. It is widely used in industries that require high quality clean compressed air, such as food processing equipment manufacturing and the electronics industry. Because the working principle of oil-free air compressors is different from that of traditional lubricating air compressors, some special methods need to be taken to detect their working status and performance.

1. Appearance inspection

Appearance inspection is a step in the inspection of oil-free air compressors, and the main purpose is to check whether there is obvious damage or abnormal conditions in the equipment. First of all, check whether the appearance of the equipment is intact, such as whether the casing has cracks or deformation. Secondly, check the connection parts of the equipment to ensure that the connection is tight and not loose. Finally, check the operating surface and control switch of the equipment to ensure that it is working properly.

Second, noise detection

Noise detection is one of the important means to evaluate the normal operation of oil-free air compressor. By measuring the noise generated when the device is working, you can determine whether the device has abnormal conditions. First of all, to choose the appropriate detection instrument, such as a noise meter or sound level meter. Then, when the equipment is operating normally, the detection instrument is placed at a certain distance for measurement. By comparing with the standard noise value, you can determine whether the equipment has a problem of excessive noise.

Third, temperature detection


Temperature detection is one of the important contents of oil-free air compressor performance detection. Because the compression heat generated by the oil-free air compressor during the working process cannot be transmitted through lubrication, it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the equipment within the normal range by other means. The temperature of oil-free air compressor can be monitored in real time by installing temperature sensor or external thermometer. If the temperature of the device exceeds the normal range, a fault or exception may exist.

4. Pressure detection

Pressure detection is one of the important indexes to judge the working state of oil-free air compressor. By installing pressure sensors or pressure gauges and other equipment, you can monitor the outlet pressure of oil-free air compressors in real time. Under normal circumstances, the oil-free air compressor should be able to provide the required pressure stably, and the pressure fluctuation is small. If the pressure fluctuation is large or cannot reach the set value, there may be problems such as gas path blockage and pressure regulator failure.

5. Energy consumption detection

Energy consumption detection is one of the important indexes to evaluate the performance of oil-free air compressors. By measuring the current, power, energy consumption and other parameters of the equipment, the energy efficiency of the equipment can be evaluated. In general, the energy efficiency of oil-free air compressors should be high, able to provide relatively high compressed air output under the same operating conditions. If the equipment has high energy consumption or large power fluctuations, it may be necessary to check the electrical components of the equipment or the compression system.

In summary, through the appearance inspection, noise detection, temperature detection, pressure detection and energy consumption detection methods, oil-free air compressors can be comprehensively tested and evaluated. These detection methods can help users understand the working status and performance level of the equipment, find faults or abnormal situations in time, and take appropriate measures to repair or adjust, to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and good working effect.