Oil-free air compressor is a common compressed air equipment, and its use principle is based on oil-free lubrication technology. Conventional air compressors usually require the use of oil as a lubricant to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation of the compressor. However, because the use of oil may lead to oil pollution in the air and environmental pollution, oil-free air compressors came into being.

The use principle of oil-free air compressor is as follows:

1. Compressed air intake: The oil-free air compressor inhales the external air through the air intake and enters the working area of the compressor. Typically, air intakes are equipped with filters to prevent dust and impurities from entering the system.

2. Compressed air compression: Once the air enters the working area of the air compressor, it will be compressed by one or more piston or screw compressors. In this process, the movement of the piston or screw gradually compresses the air, reducing its volume and increasing its pressure.


3. High temperature air cooling: Due to the large amount of heat generated during the compression process, cooling is needed to prevent the equipment from overheating. Oil-free air compressors usually use coolers or radiators to reduce the temperature of the compressed air. The cooling process can be achieved by natural cooling or by additional cooling units.

4. Water separation: During the compression process, the water in the air will also be compressed to form liquid water. Oil-free air compressors are usually equipped with a moisture separator to separate liquid water from the air. This can be done by means of condensation and deposition to ensure that the compressed air is dry.

5. Oil separation: Although oil-free air compressors do not use oil as a lubricant, tiny oil droplets may still be produced during the compression process. In order to prevent these oil droplets from entering the compressed air system, oil-free air compressors are usually equipped with oil separators. The role of the oil separator is to separate the oil droplets through the filter element or other separating materials to ensure that the air at the outlet is clean.

6. Compressed air storage: Compressed air is stored in a pressure vessel after the above treatment. This container is usually a gas tank or a gas cylinder used to store and provide a compressed air supply.

7. Compressed air use: The stored compressed air can be transported to the equipment requiring compressed air through the pipeline and valve system. Oil-free air compressors are widely used in various fields, such as manufacturing equipment, food processing and so on.


The principle of oil-free air compressor is based on oil-free lubrication technology to provide clean, high-quality compressed air through the steps of compressed air intake, compression, cooling, water and oil separation. Oil-free air compressors are widely used to provide reliable compressed air solutions for various industries.