Oil-free air compressor is an efficient air compressor equipment, it does not need to add lubricating oil to compressed air work. In order to ensure the normal operation of oil-free air compressor, the control system plays a crucial role. The control system mainly includes the following aspects: compression process control, temperature control, lubrication control and automatic control.

First of all, the compression process control is the core of the control system of oil-free air compressor, which realizes the control of the compression process by controlling the start and stop of the motor, adjusting the speed and compression ratio of the compressor. The sensor monitors the compressor's working state in real time, including current, voltage, speed, etc., and transmits the collected data to the control system for processing. According to the set pressure value, the control system realizes the control of the compression process by controlling the speed and compression ratio of the compressor to ensure the stability of the output compressed air quality and pressure.

Secondly, temperature control is one of the important factors to ensure the normal operation of oil-free air compressors. During the compression process, the compressor generates heat. If the temperature is too high, the equipment will be damaged. Therefore, the temperature must be controlled. The control system uses sensors to monitor the compressor temperature in real time. When the temperature exceeds the preset value, the control system automatically adjusts the compressor running status, such as reducing the rotational speed and increasing the rotational speed of the cooling fan to reduce the temperature and ensure the stable running of the device.


Lubrication control is also an important part of the control system of oil-free air compressors. Since oil-free air compressors do not need to use lubricating oil, the control of lubrication is mainly through the control system to adjust the supply of lubricants. The control system will adjust the supply of lubricant in time according to the running state of the compressor and the consumption of the lubricant, so as to ensure that the compressor is always in a good lubrication state during operation, reduce friction and wear, and extend the service life of the equipment.

Stability control is an indispensable part of the control system of oil-free air compressor. Through sensors and switches and other devices, the control system can monitor the operating status of the equipment in real time, such as high pressure, abnormal temperature, motor failure, etc., when hidden dangers occur, the control system will take appropriate measures in time, such as automatic shutdown, alarm, etc., to ensure the safety of equipment and personnel.

Finally, automatic control is one of the development trends of oil-free air compressor control system. Through the introduction of advanced automation technology and equipment, the remote monitoring and control of oil-free air compressor can be realized, and the operation efficiency and reliability of the equipment can be improved. The automatic control system can realize the automatic start and stop, automatic adjustment and automatic maintenance of the equipment, reduce manual intervention and improve production efficiency.

In short, the control system of oil-free air compressor is an important part to ensure the normal operation and stability of the equipment. Through the integrated control of compression process control, temperature control, lubrication control and automation control, it can realize the comprehensive control and monitoring of oil-free air compressors, improve the stability, reliability and efficiency of the equipment, and provide users with high-quality compressed air.