Oil-free air compressor is a kind of equipment used in air compressors with oil-free lubrication technology. Compared with traditional lubricating air compressors, oil-free air compressors have the characteristics of higher reliability, lower maintenance costs and more energy saving. When choosing an oil-free air compressor, there are several key factors to consider.

First of all, the application field of oil-free air compressors needs to be considered. Oil-free air compressor is widely used in food processing, brewing, pharmaceutical, electronics, textile and other industries with high air quality requirements. Different industries have different air quality requirements, so it is necessary to choose an oil-free air machine suitable for use in a specific field.

Secondly, it is necessary to consider the working pressure and exhaust volume of oil-free air compressors. The working pressure refers to the large air pressure that the oil-free air compressor can provide, and the exhaust volume refers to the air flow that the oil-free air compressor can produce within a unit time. According to the specific needs, choose the right working pressure and exhaust volume to meet the needs of the production process.


Third, it is necessary to consider the energy consumption and operating costs of oil-free air compressors. Oil-free air compressors usually use advanced energy-saving technology, which can reduce energy consumption and reduce transportation costs. Choosing high energy efficiency, energy saving and oil-free air compressors can reduce the energy consumption of enterprises and improve production efficiency.

In addition, it is also necessary to consider the reliability and maintenance costs of oil-free air compressors. The quality of oil-free air compressor is directly related to its reliability, and the supplier with good reputation and quality assurance is selected. At the same time, it also considers the maintenance cost of oil-free air compressors, including the time and cost required for maintenance and maintenance. Choosing oil-free air compressors that are easy to maintain and maintain can reduce the cost of repair and maintenance.

Finally, it is also necessary to consider the price and after-sales service of oil-free air compressors. The prices of oil-free air compressors vary, and need to be selected according to the budget and actual needs of the enterprise. At the same time, the supply with perfect after-sales service and technical support is selected to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and solve the problem in time.

To sum up, the selection of oil-free air compressors needs to consider the application field, working pressure and exhaust volume, energy consumption and operating costs, reliability and maintenance costs, price and after-sales service and other factors. By considering these factors, you can choose the oil-free air compressor that suits your needs, improve production efficiency and reduce operating costs.