Oil-free air compressor is a common industrial equipment, its main function is to compress air into high pressure gas for supply to industrial equipment, process operations, etc. However, sometimes we may encounter the situation that the oil-free air compressor does not turn, which may be caused by a variety of reasons. I will introduce in detail the possible reasons for the non-rotation of the oil-free air compressor, and provide the corresponding solutions.

1. Power failure: oil-free air compressors usually use electricity as a power source, if there is a problem with the power line, such as poor contact, open circuit, etc., it will lead to oil-free air compressors can not start. The solution is to check the power line to ensure that the power supply is normal, and repair or replace the faulty part of the power line.

2 motor failure: the working principle of oil-free air compressor is to drive the compressor through the motor to rotate, if the motor failure, it will lead to failure to start. The possible causes of motor failure include motor winding short circuit, motor bearing damage, etc. The solution is to check whether the motor has abnormal sound, odor or heat, if so, it should be stopped immediately and contact technicians to repair or replace the motor.

3. Overload protection: Oil-free air compressors are usually equipped with overload protection devices, when the load exceeds the rated value, it will automatically stop to protect the equipment. If the oil-free air compressor does not turn, it may be because the load is too large and the overload protection device is triggered. The solution is to check whether the load is too large, if so, the load should be reduced or additional oil-free air compressors should be added to share the load.


4 compressor failure: the core component of the oil-free air compressor is the compressor, if the compressor failure, it will lead to normal operation. Possible causes of compressor faults include compressor seal wear and valve failure. The solution is to check whether the compressor has abnormal noise, vibration or gas leakage phenomenon, if so, should immediately stop and contact technical personnel to repair or replace the compressor parts.

5. Cooling system failure: Oil-free air compressors are usually equipped with cooling systems to reduce the temperature of the compressor and compressed air. If the cooling system fails, it will cause the oil-free air compressor to overheat and thus cannot work normally. Possible causes of cooling system faults include cooling fan faults and cooling water pump faults. The solution is to check whether the cooling system is running normally, such as whether the fan is rotating, whether the water pump is supplying water normally, etc. If there is an anomaly, repair or replace the faulty part in time.

6. Control system failure: Oil-free air compressors are usually equipped with a control system for monitoring and controlling the operation of the equipment. If the control system fails, it will not be able to start or stop properly. The possible causes of control system failure include control circuit failure, sensor failure, etc. The solution is to check whether the control system is working normally, such as checking whether the control circuit is in good contact, whether the sensor is normal feedback, etc. If there is an anomaly, repair or replace the fault part in time.

7. Improper maintenance: Oil-free air compressor, as a mechanical equipment, needs regular maintenance, including cleaning, lubrication, fastening, etc. If not properly maintained, it will lead to equipment failure. The solution is to carry out correct maintenance operations according to the equipment instructions, such as cleaning the filter, replacing the lubricating oil, etc.

To sum up, the reasons for the non-rotation of oil-free air compressors may be power failure, motor failure, overload protection, compressor failure, cooling system failure, control system failure and improper maintenance. When solving problems, check them one by one according to the corresponding solutions, and seek the help of technical personnel if necessary. Through proper maintenance and maintenance, the service life of the oil-free air compressor can be extended to ensure its normal operation.

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