Oil-free air compressor is an advanced gas compressor, which has many advantages compared with the traditional oil-free air compressor. The use of oil air compressors in the field should be in accordance with the correct operating procedures, and regular maintenance to ensure its performance and life. The following will detail the main points of field use of oil-free air compressors.

First of all, before using oil-free air compressors, it is necessary to confirm whether the operating environment of the equipment meets the requirements. Oil-free air compressors usually need to be installed in a well-ventilated indoor or outdoor environment, away from harmful substances such as high temperature, high humidity, corrosive gases and dust. At the same time, adequate space should be maintained around the equipment for daily maintenance and maintenance.

Secondly, the oil-free air compressor needs to check the connection of the power and air source before use. Make sure that the power cord and air supply line are securely connected and that there is no damage or leakage. In addition, it is also necessary to check the supply of lubricating oil and cooling water of the equipment to ensure its normal operation.


Before starting the oil-free air compressor, it is necessary to close all valves and the exhaust valve of the compressor. Then, turn on the power switch, and gradually open the compressor exhaust valve, so that the compressor slowly increase pressure. During the voltage boost process, you need to observe the running status of the device to ensure that all components work properly and no abnormal noise or vibration is detected.

During the operation of the oil-free air compressor, it is necessary to check the operating status of the equipment regularly. Observe the indicating value of the pressure gauge to ensure that the pressure of the compressed air is within the set range. At the same time, pay attention to the temperature of the equipment to ensure that the equipment does not overheat. If any abnormal situation is found, shut down the device in time and contact the maintenance personnel for maintenance.

In the process of using oil-free air compressors, regular maintenance and maintenance are required. First, the external surface of the equipment should be cleaned regularly to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt. Secondly, the filter should be replaced and cleaned regularly to ensure the quality of the gas. In addition, it is necessary to regularly check whether the seals and pipe connections of the equipment are loose or worn, and timely maintenance and replacement.

Finally, in the use of oil-free air compressors, pay attention to stable operation. Comply with the operating instructions and operating procedures of the equipment, and shall not change the working parameters and Settings of the equipment without authorization. In the repair and maintenance of equipment, to cut off the power and air supply, and take the necessary stability measures to avoid accidents.

In short, oil-free air compressor is an efficient gas compression equipment, and it needs to pay attention to the correct operation method and regular maintenance in field use. Through scientific and reasonable use and maintenance, oil-free air compressor can better play its advantages, improve work efficiency, extend service life, and bring greater value to production and engineering.

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