Oil-free air compressor is a kind of equipment widely used in industrial production, which has the advantages of high efficiency and low noise. In order to ensure the normal operation of oil-free air compressors and extend their service life, regular cleaning is very important. Below I will give you a detailed introduction to the cleaning method of oil-free air compressor.

1. Prepare

Before cleaning, you first need to prepare some necessary tools and materials, including cleaning agents, buckets, brushes, cloth, etc. At the same time, ensure that the oil-free air compressor is turned off and disconnected from the power supply.

2. Clean the filter element

The filter element of oil-free air compressor is an important part of filtering impurities in the air. First, remove the filter element and fully clean it with cleaning agent and warm water. Then gently scrub the surface of the filter with a brush and rinse it with clean water. Finally, dry the filter with cloth and place it in a ventilated place to dry.

3. Clean the cooler

The cooler is another important component in the oil-free air compressor, which is responsible for heat dissipation and reducing the temperature of the compressed air. First, wipe the surface of the cooler with cloth to remove dust. Then, thoroughly clean the cooler with cleaning agent and warm water, and scrub the scales or fins of the cooler with a brush to ensure clean cleaning. Finally, rinse the cooler with water and dry with cloth.

4. Clean the oil separator


The separator in the oil-free air compressor is used to separate oil from the air. First, remove the separator and dump the remaining oil. Then, fully clean the oil separator with cleaning agent and warm water, and scrub the inside of the oil separator with a brush to ensure clean cleaning, rinse the oil separator with water, and dry with cloth.

5. Clean the compressor

The compressor of oil-free air compressor is the core component of the whole equipment. Cleaning the compressor requires extreme caution and is recommended to be performed by a technician. First, turn off the compressor and disconnect it from the power supply. Then, fully clean the external surface of the compressor with cleaning agent and warm water, and scrub the compressor fan and radiator with a brush. Finally, rinse the compressor with clean water and dry it with cloth.

6. Maintain the circuit board

The circuit board of oil-free air compressor is the key component to control the operation of the equipment. During the cleaning process, special attention should be paid to protecting the circuit board to avoid damage by moisture or cleaning agents. You can gently wipe the surface of the circuit board with a cloth to remove dust and stains.

7. Replace the cleaning agent regularly

Cleaning agent plays an important role in the cleaning process, but long-term use will lead to reduced cleaning effect. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the cleaning agent regularly to ensure the cleaning effect.


The cleaning of oil-free air compressor is an important link to maintain its normal operation and extend its service life. When cleaning, it is necessary to pay attention to stable operation, especially the cleaning of the compressor needs to be carried out by advanced people. Regular cleaning of oil-free air compressors can effectively remove impurities such as dust and oil, maintain the efficient operation of the equipment, and improve its service life. Finally, remember to follow the equipment manufacturer's cleaning recommendations to ensure that the cleaning process is correct.

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