Oil-free air compressor is a common industrial equipment used to compress air into high pressure gas for use in various industrial equipment and processes. Compared with traditional oil air compressors, oil free air compressors have many advantages, one of which is its excellent water removal effect.

When air is compressed into a high-pressure gas, the water in the air is compressed to form water vapor. If the water vapor can not be effectively removed, it will bring many problems to the subsequent process and equipment, such as corrosion, oxidation, blockage, etc. Therefore, water removal is a very important part of the operation of the air compressor.


Conventional air compressors with oil usually use oil lubrication and cooling systems, which allow the moisture in the compressed air to mix with the oil to form an emulsion. This is isolated, but the effect is limited. The oil-free air compressor uses an oil-free compression system to make the water removal process more efficient.

The dewatering effect of oil-free air compressor is mainly achieved through the following steps. One step is the cooling of compressed air. Oil-free air machines usually use an efficient cooling system that cools compressed air to a lower temperature through a cooler. The water in the cooled air began to condense into liquid water.

The second step is to separate water and air. After cooling, the liquid water is separated from the air, usually through a water separator. Water separators usually use the principle of gravity separation, centrifugal separation or filter material separation to separate liquid water from gas.

The third step is to remove water. The separated liquid water needs to be expelled from the air compressor system to ensure the subsequent drying of the air. Oil-free air compressors are usually equipped with automatic drainage devices to ensure the water removal effect of the system by regularly discharging liquid water.

In addition to the above basic steps, oil-free air compressors can also be equipped with other automatic equipment to improve the effect of water removal. For example, some advanced oil-free air compressors can be equipped with dryers or filters that further reduce the moisture content in the compressed air.

In short, the dewatering effect of oil-free air compressor is very important. By using efficient cooling and separation systems, as well as automatic drainage and other automatic equipment, oil-free air compressors can effectively remove moisture from the compressed air, ensuring the normal operation of subsequent processes and equipment.

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