Oil-free air compressor is an important equipment widely used in various fields, which has the advantages of high efficiency and energy saving. However, even the oil-free air compressor may also fail, such as pressure instability, high temperature, abnormal noise and other problems. In the face of these failures, we need to take timely measures to solve them and ensure that the equipment is running in normal working condition.

First of all, when the oil-free air compressor fails, we should first check the external environment of the equipment. Ensure that there is no excessive dust or debris accumulated around the device, which may hinder the normal operation of the device. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the vents of the equipment are blocked to ensure that the equipment can smoothly emit the generated heat.

Next, we need to check the oil filter of the oil-free air compressor. The main function of the oil filter is to filter impurities in the air to ensure that the air is pure when the equipment is running. If the oil filter is blocked, it will cause the working pressure of the equipment to be unstable and even unable to work normally. Therefore, we should clean or clean regularly to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.


In addition, the cooling system of oil-free air compressors also requires frequent inspection and maintenance. During use, the cooling system may be affected by dust, corrosion and other factors, resulting in high temperatures. To this end, we need to regularly clean the cooling system, and check the quality and return of the coolant to ensure that the heat dissipation effect and temperature control of the equipment are within a reasonable range.

Another common fault is abnormal noise. The oil-free air compressor will produce a certain noise during normal operation, but if the noise is too large or abnormal, it needs to be repaired. First of all, we should check the fasteners of the equipment to ensure that they are strong. Secondly, you can try to adjust the vibration absorber of the equipment to reduce the transmission of noise. If the above methods can not solve the problem, you need to further check the internal parts of the equipment, such as compressors, motors, etc., to eliminate the cause of the fault.

Finally, if the above methods still cannot solve the fault, we need to seek the help of technical maintenance personnel. An oil-free air compressor is a complex piece of equipment that requires advanced knowledge and technology for maintenance. Therefore, when you encounter a fault that cannot be solved, contact the manufacturer or technical maintenance personnel in time to avoid greater losses due to self-maintenance.

In short, the failure of oil-free air compressor is inevitable, but as long as we take the right measures in time, we can solve the problem well. Through regular inspection and maintenance, maintaining the normal operation of the equipment can extend the service life of the equipment, improve the work efficiency, and provide continuous and stable support for our production activities.

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