The slow pumping of oil-free air compressor may be caused by a variety of reasons, and I will introduce the possible reasons and the corresponding treatment methods for you in detail below.

1. Air compressor internal parts wear or damage: After a long time of use, the air compressor internal parts may wear or damage, resulting in a decrease in pumping speed. The solution is to regularly check and replace the worn parts in the air compressor to ensure its normal operation.

2. Oil and gas separator blockage: oil-free air compressors usually use oil and gas separators to separate oil and prevent oil from entering the compressed gas. If the oil and gas separator is blocked, the oil will flow gas, causing the pumping speed to slow down. The solution is to clean and replace the oil and gas separator regularly.

3 Filter blockage: The filter is used to filter impurities and pollutants in the air, if the filter is blocked, the flow of gas will affect the pumping speed. The solution is to clean and replace the filter regularly to ensure that the air is unimpeded.


4. Compressor exhaust valve damage: compressor exhaust valve is an important part of controlling gas flow, if the valve is damaged or not working properly, it will lead to a decrease in pumping speed. The solution is to inspect and replace the damaged exhaust valve.

5. Compressor exhaust pipe leakage: the exhaust pipe is not firmly connected or there is leakage, which will lead to gas leakage and slow down the pumping speed. The solution is to check the exhaust pipe to ensure that the connection is strong and there is no leakage.

6. Incorrect pressure setting: If the pressure is set too low, the air compressor will not be able to provide enough air pressure, resulting in a decrease in pumping speed. The solution is to adjust the pressure Settings as needed to ensure that the air compressor can provide sufficient air pressure.

7. The operation time of the air compressor is too long: the continuous use of air compressor for a long time will cause overheating and slow down the pumping speed. The solution is to arrange the use time reasonably, avoid the continuous use of too long, and give the air compressor sufficient cooling time.

8. Unstable power supply voltage: unstable power supply voltage may lead to unstable operation of the air compressor and affect the pumping speed. The solution is to check the power supply voltage to ensure that the voltage is stable within the rated range of the air compressor.

To sum up, the problem of slow pumping of oil-free air compressors needs to be considered from many aspects. Regularly check and maintain the various parts of the air compressor to ensure its normal operation. At the same time, keep the air flow unimpeded, clean and replace the oil and gas separator, filter and other parts. In addition, reasonable arrangement of the use of time, to avoid too long continuous use, to give the air compressor sufficient cooling time. Check the supply voltage and ensure that it is stable within the rated range of the air compressor.

I hope the above information is helpful to you. If you need more help, please let me know in time.

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