As a mechanical equipment, oil-free air compressor in the process of use, if there is a solenoid valve leakage, it will reduce its work efficiency, but also lead to waste of energy and damage to loose devices. Therefore, to solve the problem of leakage of oil-free air compressor magnetic valve in time is of great significance for the operation stability and life of the machine.

First, understand the causes of leakage of solenoid valve

Before dealing with the leakage of the magnetic valve of the oil-free air compressor, it is first necessary to understand the cause of its occurrence. Solenoid valve leakage may have many reasons, below I list a few of the most common reasons:

1. The solenoid valve seal is not strict: there may be some impurities in the solenoid valve, such as dust, water vapor, oil stains, etc. These impurities will lead to the solenoid valve seal is not strict, resulting in air leakage.

2. Electromagnet inlet blockage: The inlet blockage or dust of the solenoid valve will affect the normal operation of the electromagnet, resulting in unqualified valves and air leakage.

3. Solenoid coil burnt out: solenoid valve solenoid coil due to short circuit or overload burned out, can not work resulting in air leakage.

4. Wear or aging of seals: With the growth of use time, the seals in the solenoid valve may be worn or aging, which will lead to a decline in sealing performance, resulting in air leakage.

Second, how to eliminate solenoid valve leakage


Understand the causes of leakage of solenoid valve, let's introduce some methods to eliminate leakage problems:

1. Clean the solenoid valve inside: Remove the solenoid valve and clean the surface and internal impurities of the electromagnet with detergent, which can improve the tightness and solve the problem of air leakage.

2. Replace the electromagnet: If the solenoid coil of the solenoid valve is found to be burned out, it is necessary to replace the new electromagnet in time, otherwise the solenoid valve can not work, and the air leakage problem can not be solved.

3. Replace the seal: If the inspection finds that the seal inside the solenoid valve is aging or wearing, it is necessary to replace the new seal in time to improve its sealing performance, so as to solve the problem of air leakage.

4. Clean solenoid valve inlet and outlet: Regular cleaning of solenoid valve inlet and outlet can effectively avoid the accumulation of impurities, sediment and other problems, so that you can avoid the problem of solenoid valve leakage.

5. Check the pipeline connection: When checking the sealing condition of the solenoid valve is not strict or old, it is necessary to check whether the pipeline connection is leaky, so as not to ignore the leakage problem because the pipeline connection is not checked.

Three, solenoid valve maintenance

Mechanical parts such as solenoid valves need to be maintained in a timely manner after use, which can extend the service life of the machine and prevent problems. The following is how to maintain the solenoid valve:

1. Regularly check the electromagnet: the electromagnet will wear after long-term use, resulting in reduced sealing performance and even burn out, so it is necessary to regularly check the operation of the electromagnet.

2. Regular cleaning of the solenoid valve interior: Regular cleaning of the solenoid valve interior can effectively avoid the accumulation of impurities, blocking and other problems, and maintain the normal operation of the solenoid valve.

3. Use the right lubricating oil: the right lubricating oil can effectively reduce the wear and blockage during the operation of the solenoid valve, so it is necessary to choose the right lubricating oil according to the actual situation.

4. Pay attention to moisture-proof measures: the solenoid valve should be kept dry and clean, otherwise it will lead to corrosion of the solenoid coil and aging of the seals, resulting in air leakage and other problems.

In short, solenoid valve leakage is a common and serious problem that requires timely solution and maintenance. By solving these problems scientifically and effectively, we can better protect and maintain the operation efficiency and service life of mechanical equipment such as oil-free air compressors, so as to better meet the needs of industrial production.

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