Oil-free air compressor is one of the indispensable equipment in modern industry, and it is widely used in the production line of manufacturing industry with its excellent characteristics such as high efficiency, health and low noise. Compared with oil air compressors, oil free air compressors have a longer service life. So, how to extend the life of oil-free air compressor? The following will be discussed from the following aspects.

First, choose the appropriate compressor

Different industrial production lines require different sizes of compressors, and selecting the appropriate size and frequency of compressor can effectively protect the service life of oil-free air compressors. If the choice is small, it is easy to cause continuous overload; Too much choice will increase energy consumption and operating costs.

2. Keep the compressor clean


For oil-free air compressors, it is very important to keep clean. Because in the subsequent use, it may be polluted by impurities such as dust, residue, and water, and the pollution will greatly reduce its efficiency and service life. To keep it clean, regular maintenance, cleaning and inspection can effectively prevent pollution and ensure its normal operation.

3. Replace the filter element regularly

The filter of oil-free air compressor plays a very important role, and the filter element plays an important role in filtering pollutants. Contaminants such as dust, sediment, water and microorganisms will accumulate on the filter element for a long time, leading to reduced work efficiency of the compressor, and even lead to compressor failure in serious cases. Therefore, regular replacement of the filter element is a very effective way to protect the life of the compressor.

4. Use the right lubricant

Suitable lubricants can effectively reduce friction and reduce wear and damage to equipment. Therefore, when using oil-free air compressors, it is very important to choose the right lubricant. The temperature, pressure, shear force and reaction rate of the compressor should be considered to select the appropriate lubricant.

Five, regular maintenance

The development of modern technology has made the maintenance of oil-free air compressors more advanced and detailed. Through regular inspection, replacement of parts, cleaning of equipment, updating of defects and other maintenance work of the oil-free air compressor, faults and hidden dangers can be eliminated in time to ensure the normal operation and service life of the equipment.

Finally, in general, to extend the life of oil-free air compressors, we need to start from many aspects. It is necessary to regularly check the cleanliness of the equipment, replace the filter element and carry out regular maintenance to ensure the appropriate use of lubricants and so on. In this way, good use and maintenance habits are also an important factor in protecting the service life of oil-free air compressors.

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