Oil-free air compressor is an efficient, hygienic pneumatic equipment, because it does not need to add lubricating oil named. The basic knowledge of the use of oil-free air compressor includes the following aspects:

First, the working principle of oil-free air compressor

The working principle of the oil-free air compressor is to use the mechanical movement and the physical characteristics of the compressed air to compress the air into a high-pressure gas. Oil-free air compressor is mainly composed of two parts: compressor and control system. When the air enters the compressor from the air intake, it goes through a series of compression, separation, cooling and other processes, and is finally compressed into high pressure gas, and then transported to the place where it needs to be used through the pipeline.

Two, the advantages of oil-free air compressor

1. Health and energy saving: Because the oil-free air compressor does not need to add lubricating oil, it can avoid the pollution of lubricating oil to the environment. At the same time, the operating cost of oil-free air compressor is also relatively low, and the energy saving effect is very significant.

2. Simple maintenance: oil-free air compressor does not need to replace and clean lubricating oil, so it is very convenient to maintain.

3. Low noise: Compared with traditional lubricating air compressors, the noise of oil-free air compressors is much less, and there is not too much noise interference to the surrounding environment.

4. High air quality: Because oil-free air compressors do not need to add lubricating oil, the drying degree of compressed air is very high, which can ensure the quality of air.

Third, the application range of oil-free air compressor


Oil-free air compressors are widely used in various fields, such as manufacturing, food processing, printing and so on.

1. Manufacturing: Oil-free air compressor can be used in the manufacturing of pneumatic tools, painting guns, sandblasting and other occasions, can improve production efficiency, reduce energy consumption.

2. Oil-free air compressors can be used in ventilators and sputum suction machines in hospitals to ensure the normal operation of medical equipment and ensure the safety of patients.

3. Food processing: oil-free air compressor can be used for packaging machines, filling machines and other equipment in food processing to ensure the stability and health of food.

4. Printing: Oil-free air compressor can be used for compressed air supply in printing equipment to ensure the quality of printed matter.

Four, the attention of oil-free air compressor

1. The installation location should be selected in a ventilated, dry and dust-free place.

2. Before installation, check whether the accessories of the oil-free air compressor are complete and installed firmly.

3. When using oil-free air compressors, attention should be paid to the pressure and flow of compressed air, which cannot exceed the rated parameters of oil-free air compressors.

4. Regularly check the filter and cooler of the oil-free air compressor, clean and replace.

5. Regularly maintain and maintain the oil-free air compressor to check whether the operating status is normal.

In summary, oil-free air compressor is an efficient and easy to maintain pneumatic equipment, which has been widely used in various fields. However, in the process of use, it is also necessary to pay attention to the installation position, use parameters, regular maintenance and other precautions to ensure the normal operation of the oil-free air compressor.

Get more knowledge about What to Look for When Choosing an oil free air compressor Manufacturer please refer to aoguang air compressor:https://www.oil-freeaircompressor.com

Get more knowledge about What to Look for When Choosing an oil free air compressor Manufacturer please refer to aoguang air compressor:https://www.oil-freeaircompressor.com