Oil-free air compressor is an efficient, environmentally friendly and economical compressed air equipment. Due to its oil-free design, it can effectively reduce air pollution and ensure air quality. The life of oil-free air compressor is not only related to its quality, but also affected by its use and maintenance. Below, I will introduce how to extend the life of oil-free air compressors from several aspects.

First, choose high quality oil-free air compressor

Buying high-quality oil-free air compressors is the key to extending their life. High-quality oil-free air compressor can ensure the quality of the compressor, reduce the failure rate and improve the service life. Therefore, in the purchase of oil-free air compressors, you should choose well-known brands and experienced manufacturers, rather than just looking at the price.

Second, the correct installation and use of oil-free air compressor

The correct installation and use is the key to extend the life of oil-free air compressor. When installing, the appropriate location should be selected to ensure good ventilation and avoid excessive vibration and noise. When using, it should be operated correctly according to the requirements of the instruction manual to avoid overload and long-term continuous use. At the same time, it is necessary to clean the filter element, cooler and heat exchanger and other components in time to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

Third, regular maintenance and maintenance


Regular maintenance and maintenance is an important measure to extend the life of oil-free air compressors. In the process of using oil-free air compressors, the equipment will inevitably wear and age, so it is necessary to regularly check and replace the parts that need to be replaced. Specifically, attention should be paid to the following aspects:

1. Replace the filter element: The filter element is the most vulnerable part of the oil-free air compressor, and it needs to be cleaned and replaced regularly.

2. Replace lubricating oil: During use, oil-free air compressors need to use lubricating oil to reduce heat and wear caused by friction. Therefore, regular replacement of lubricating oil is necessary.

3. Check the sealing of the compressor: poor sealing will lead to air leakage and insufficient pressure, so it is necessary to check and replace the seals regularly.

4. Check the motor and control system: the motor and control system are the core components of oil-free air compressors, which need regular inspection and maintenance to ensure their safe and normal operation.

To sum up, in order to extend the life of oil-free air compressors, we need to start with the purchase of high-quality equipment, correct installation and use, regular maintenance and maintenance. Only by paying attention to the above factors in daily use can we really extend the life of oil-free air compressors, improve their use efficiency and reduce maintenance costs.

Get more knowledge about What to Look for When Choosing an oil free air compressor Manufacturer please refer to aoguang air compressor:https://www.oil-freeaircompressor.com