As a common industrial equipment, oil-free air compressors play an important role in modern production. So, is the oil-free air compressor a pressure vessel? This is a relatively complex problem that needs to be analyzed from different angles.

First, we need to know what a pressure vessel is. Pressure vessels are containers that can withstand internal and external pressure under pressure, including gases, liquids and mixtures. According to the relevant laws and regulations of customers, pressure vessels are divided into two types: regular inspection and no regular inspection. The pressure vessel regularly inspected generally refers to the pressure vessel with a volume greater than or equal to 0.1m³ and a working pressure greater than or equal to 0.1MPa; The pressure vessel without regular inspection generally refers to the pressure vessel with a volume less than 0.1m³ and a working pressure less than 0.1MPa.


So, is the oil-free air compressor also belonging to the category of pressure vessels? Strictly speaking, the oil-free air compressor is not a pressure vessel, because it is not a closed container, but a mechanical equipment. Oil-free air compressors are usually composed of motors, compressors, coolers, filters, separators, gas storage tanks, etc. Its main role is to compress the air through the compressor, and then through other components for cooling, filtration, separation and other processing, and finally obtain the quality of the product of compressed air. Therefore, we can regard the oil-free air compressor as a mechanical equipment rather than a pressure vessel.

However, it should be noted that the storage tank in the oil-free air compressor belongs to the category of pressure vessels. The gas storage tank is a container for storing compressed air, and its role is to balance the unstable air output of the compressor and make the compressor work more stable. In some cases, the gas tank may also be considered as a container for compressible fluids and therefore needs to be inspected and maintained in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

In short, although the oil-free air compressor does not belong to the category of pressure vessels, its gas storage tanks need to be inspected and maintained in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. At the same time, as a common mechanical equipment, oil-free air compressor has played a vital role in modern production and has a wide range of application prospects

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