The role and use process of air compressor

Air compressor is a machine that compresses air into high pressure gas, and its main role is to compress air in the atmosphere into high pressure gas to meet the needs of various industrial and commercial applications. Air compressors are widely used in manufacturing and production processes, such as pneumatic tools, painting equipment, industrial gas generators and so on.

The use of air compressors requires attention to the following processes:

1. Choose the right air compressor: There are many kinds of air compressors, and it is necessary to choose the right air compressor according to its use needs. Common air compressors are piston, screw, centrifugal and so on.

2. Preparation: Before using the air compressor, check whether the oil volume, cooling water and electrical equipment of the air compressor are normal. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the gas outlet of the air compressor is connected with appropriate pipelines and connectors.

3. Start the air compressor: Before starting the air compressor, close the exhaust valve and adjust the pressure gauge of the air compressor. Then press the start button or switch and wait for the air compressor to start running.


4. Compressed air: After the air compressor starts, the gas is compressed into high pressure gas by compressed air. In the compression process, it is necessary to pay attention to the temperature of the air compressor to avoid overheating.

5. Storage gas: Air needs to be stored after being compressed for subsequent use. The way to store gas is usually through a compressed air tank, where the gas is stored in the tank.

6. Use gas: After the air is stored in the tank, it can be connected to the equipment that needs to use gas through pipes and joints, such as pneumatic tools, painting equipment, etc.

7. Maintenance: The air compressor needs regular maintenance to ensure its normal operation. Routine maintenance includes changing oil, cleaning filters, checking electrical equipment, etc.

In short, air compressors play an extremely important role in industrial and commercial applications. The use of air compressors needs to pay attention to the above process, and operate in strict accordance with the operating procedures to ensure the stability and effectiveness of use. At the same time, regular maintenance of the air compressor is also very important, can extend its service life and improve performance.

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