Air compressor is a mechanical device that compresses air into high pressure gas, which is widely used in metallurgy, construction, electric power, chemical, petrochemical, light industry, textile, glass, medicine, food and other industries.

In industry, air compressors are used more and more widely, from small compressors for personal home repairs to large compressors for production processes in petrochemical and heavy industry. Air compressors usually need to occupy a certain space in order to perform operations such as container pressure relief and air deflecting. Therefore, the size of the area occupied by the air compressor is largely related to its use, specifications, models and production processes.

The footprint of the air compressor is mainly determined by the following aspects:

1. Use

Air compressors are used in a wide range of fields, and can be used in machinery manufacturing, automobile maintenance, chemical manufacturing, iron and steel smelting and other directions. The corresponding fields have different requirements for the performance of air compressors, the size of gas storage tanks, pressure requirements, accuracy, etc. Therefore, the footprint of air compressors for different purposes will vary.

Ii. Specifications


Air compressors have a variety of specifications, and the size is not exactly the same. In general, large air compressors usually occupy a larger area because of the corresponding containers and equipment.

Iii. Model

It is also a large air compressor, but the area occupied by different models of air compressors may also be different. This is related to the complexity of the control system, the capacity of the gas storage tank, the size of the shell and the material.

4. Chassis

The size of the chassis also affects the footprint of the air compressor. Some air compressors are equipped with chassis, such as mobile air compressors, which occupy a relatively small space. The air compressor without the chassis needs to be installed on the ground, and the corresponding footprint will be larger.

All in all, the size of the area occupied by the air compressor will vary greatly depending on the use. However, in general, the area of large air compressors should not be less than 2000 square meters, while taking into account the corresponding stable distance and health requirements. Therefore, when selecting and installing air compressors, they need to be designed and operated in strict accordance with technical specifications to ensure their safe and efficient operation.

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