In industrial production, the use of air compressors is common, but many times there will be excessive noise in the use of air compressors, which seriously affects work efficiency and the health of employees. So, what is the reason for the loud noise of the air compressor? How to solve this problem?

First, the reason for the loud noise of the air compressor

1. The machine itself: due to the mechanical energy consumed and the heat converted within the machinery such as the air compressor equipment, the corresponding mechanical vibration and thermal vibration are generated, making the machine make noise.

2. Equipment use environmental problems: air compressor equipment needs a high compressed air flow rate when working, which is easy to cause noise, while the equipment is in use, vibration, resonance and acoustic reflection phenomena will also lead to noise.

3. Improper installation and use of the equipment: When the installation of the air compressor is unstable, high acoustic reflection, vibration and the air compressor work load is too large, it will lead to excessive machine noise.

Second, the harm of air compressor noise


Air compressor noise will cause great harm to the working environment, as described below:

1. May cause deafness, deafness and other hearing problems. The human ear is sensitive to noise in different degrees, but the greater the noise and the longer the duration, the greater the damage to hearing.

2. Noise has an irritating effect on the human nervous system, and long-term exposure to strong noise will produce a series of physical hazards such as cardiovascular and digestive system problems.

3. Long-term interference by high noise will cause varying degrees of damage and deformation of the eardrum, tympanic cavity, ear ossicles and cochlea, which may lead to other ear diseases in the long run.

Third, how to solve the problem of air compressor noise

1. Improve the quality of air compressor equipment: select the compressor should choose a reputation, technology and service products, so as to ensure the quality of the operation of the machinery itself, reduce the generation of noise.

2. Reduce noise by increasing the use of sound absorbing cotton or sound insulation materials: the room and around the machine should be soundproofed, which can effectively reduce the interference of external sounds, but also prevent the impact of noise on the surrounding personnel.

3. Add soundproof board: Soundproof board can absorb noise in certain frequency bands, which can effectively help reduce noise levels.

4. Adjust the use environment of the machine: the greater the impedance around the machine, the less the reflected sound waves, which will play a certain role in the propagation of noise. At the same time, the environment of the compressor processing site is adjusted to make the ground, foundation and other structures of the site more stable and reduce the noise caused by vibration.

5. Maintenance of the compressor: After use, the air compressor is comprehensively inspected, timely replacement or repair of the internal parts of the equipment to prevent high-frequency noise caused by equipment damage.

To sum up, the problem of air compressor noise can not be ignored, it is necessary to consider a variety of factors, from the machine itself, the use of the environment, installation, use and maintenance, and gradually reduce the impact of noise on work and health.

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