Air compressor is a common mechanical equipment in the industry, the main role is to compress the air through the compressor, so that it is stored in the high pressure cylinder, in order to be used in a variety of occasions that require high pressure gas. Air compressors can provide compressed air for factories, workshops, computer rooms, laboratories, etc., and are widely used in aviation, construction, petrochemical, electronics, textiles and other fields. For the correct use of air compressors, the following are some important points to note:

First, air compressor stable operation rules

1. Clean up the surrounding environmental health, and do not use air compressors in dangerous areas or sites that are subject to wind and rain.

2. When performing maintenance, the power supply and other energy sources of the air compressor must be cut off.

3. During operation, do not extend the body or other items into the rotating part or moving part of the air compressor.

4. After working for a long time, the power supply and other energy sources should be disconnected, and the accident of overwork should be determined.

5. Pay attention to regular inspection of the air compressor to ensure that its parameters meet the requirements and prevent major accidents.

Second, the correct use of air compressor


1. Correctly connect the air source pipeline and gas discharge pipeline according to the air compressor instructions.

2. Check whether the lubricating oil is placed correctly, whether it is in place, and whether the oil pan has oil traces.

3. Turn on the power, adjust the relevant parameters according to the program, start the air compressor, and make it enter the normal working state.

4. During normal operation, timely observe the operating state of the air compressor, lubricating oil temperature and other parameters, and adjust them in time according to the actual situation if necessary.

5. In the process of using the air compressor, strictly comply with the operation manual of the air compressor, and necessary maintenance must be carried out before use to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

6. When encountering faults or abnormal conditions, stop the machine in time for troubleshooting and handling to avoid accidents.

7. In the process of using the air compressor, it is necessary to operate in accordance with the mode specified in the operation manual, and the structure and parameters of the machine shall not be disassembled or modified at will.

8. In the case of not using the air compressor for a long time, necessary maintenance should be carried out, such as cleaning, lubrication and other operations to avoid equipment failure.

Three, air compressor maintenance


1. Should regularly check whether the fasteners of the air compressor are loose, and adjust the fastening strength if necessary.

2. Check and replace the compressor air filter regularly to maintain the normal output of the compressor and replace the lubricant.

3. All pipelines, valves, accessories and other equipment of the air compressor system should be checked and maintained regularly, and repaired in time if problems are found.

4. Periodically check the compressor, cooling system, expansion valve, suction and exhaust pipe and other items, and deal with any problems in time.

5. Ensure that the pressure of the air compressor is stable, the unit is no different, the quantity and quality of lubricating oil meet the requirements, and the system is free from leakage and gas leakage.

To sum up, the correct use of air compressors can extend the service life of the equipment, but also to ensure the health and stability of employees during the operation of the equipment. Therefore, before using the air compressor, we should fully understand the operating procedures and maintenance methods, so as to avoid unnecessary losses and accidents.

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