Air compressor is a kind of equipment that increases the air pressure by mechanical compression. So, what kind of equipment is an air compressor? Expander air compressor is also known as the thermal air compressor, it is the compressor end of the high temperature condensate through the upward impact of the high temperature steam to drive the air pump, the process of air in the air pump for recompression, so that the air compression ratio and pressure ratio to improve the air pressure and flow of a device.

The air compressor is mainly composed of three parts: compressor, steam generator and air pump. Among them, compressors and air pumps generally use pneumatic (can also use electric) double-effect piston air compressors, which is the most critical component of air compressors. Steam generators are supplied by gas combustion, which varies depending on the fuel used.

The working principle of the air compressor is this: First, the compressor compresses the air to high pressure and introduces the high-temperature condensate into the steam generator. The combustion medium in the steam generator evaporates the high-temperature condensate and produces high-temperature steam. The high-temperature steam shocks the air pump, bringing power to the air pump, and the air pump then recompresses the air, so that the air pressure and flow are increased. Finally, the treated compressed air can be output on demand to meet the needs of production or collection users.


Compared with traditional compressors, the advantages of air compressors are very significant. First of all, in terms of energy consumption, air compressor is a relatively energy-saving equipment. Secondly, in terms of noise, air compressors are less noisy than traditional compression equipment such as diesel engines or compressors. Moreover, due to the use of high-temperature condensate to generate high-temperature steam to drive the air pump for recompression, the output air of the air compressor is relatively dry.

All in all, air compressor with its high efficiency, low consumption, high quality, low noise and other advantages, has become one of the more widely used compression equipment.

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Get more knowledge about What to Look for When Choosing an oil free air compressor Manufacturer please refer to aoguang air compressor:https://www.oil-freeaircompressor.comGet more knowledge about What to Look for When Choosing an oil free air compressor Manufacturer please refer to aoguang air compressor: