The performance of the frequency converter after several years of frequency conversion technology research and frequency conversion structure technology development, in the frequency conversion vector technology has been successful and in many fields to get good application results, now the sine frequency converter has four series of special products in various fields, because the air compressor is a constant torque load characteristics, Therefore, we choose G series products with excellent performance and cost performance.


The overall design of the control frequency conversion technology transformation of the overall control should take into account the safe use of equipment, retain the original power frequency electrical circuit, and achieve a worry-free switching of power frequency conversion. At the same time, the reliability under various working conditions is considered in the protection circuit.

The improvement of the oil circuit system and cooling circulation system of the equipment is the key point of the successful conversion transformation of the air compressor. According to the different equipment conditions and the ATLASCOPCO series oil circuit system, the necessary hardware improvement is made to ensure the long-term stability of the equipment in the low speed operation state.

Application optimization analysis energy-saving transformation design requirements according to the problems existing in the original working conditions and combined with production process requirements.