A compressed air system is an essential component onboard ships. This system is responsible for providing compressed air to various shipboard systems and equipment, including pneumatic tools, air-driven pumps, valves, and control systems. In this article, we will discuss the importance of compressed air systems onboard ships, their components, and their operation.

Importance of Compressed Air Systems onboard Ships:

Compressed air is an important utility onboard ships. It is used for many applications, including operating pneumatic tools, starting and stopping main engines and auxiliary engines, and supplying air to the control systems of various equipment. Without compressed air, the smooth operation of the ship's machinery and equipment would be impossible.

Components of a Compressed Air System:

A typical compressed air system onboard a ship comprises the following components:

oil free air compressor: The oil free air compressor is the heart of the compressed air system. It is responsible for compressing the atmospheric air and delivering it to the system at the required pressure. The compressor may be driven by an electric motor or a diesel engine.

Air Dryer: The air dryer removes moisture from the compressed air, preventing corrosion and damage to the equipment. There are different types of air dryers available, including refrigerated dryers, desiccant dryers, and membrane dryers.

Air Receivers: The air receivers are storage tanks that store the compressed air and supply it to the system as and when required. They also act as a buffer between the compressor and the system, reducing the number of times the compressor needs to start and stop.

Air Filters: The air filters remove dust, oil, and other contaminants from the compressed air before it enters the system. This helps prevent damage to the equipment and ensures the quality of the compressed air.


Operation of Compressed Air Systems:

The compressed air system onboard a ship is usually automated, with sensors and control systems regulating the operation of the compressor, dryer, and other components. The oil free air compressor starts automatically when the pressure in the system drops below a certain level and stops when the pressure reaches the desired level.

The air dryer operates continuously, removing moisture from the compressed air. The air receivers are filled with compressed air, which is then supplied to the system through a network of pipes and valves.

Maintenance of Compressed Air Systems:

Regular maintenance of the compressed air system is essential to ensure its smooth operation. The air filters need to be replaced regularly to prevent contamination of the compressed air. The air dryer needs to be serviced and the desiccant replaced periodically. The air receivers need to be inspected for corrosion and leaks. The compressor needs to be serviced and its oil changed at regular intervals.

In conclusion, compressed air systems are an important component onboard ships, providing compressed air for many applications, including operating pneumatic tools, starting and stopping engines, and supplying air to control systems. Regular maintenance of the system is essential to ensure its smooth operation and prevent downtime.

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