Oil-free air compressor is a lubricating air with higher work efficiency, lower operating costs and more hygienic features. In order to ensure the extension of the service life of oil-free air compressors, the following are the things to pay attention to when using oil-free air compressors:

1. Regular maintenance and maintenance: oil-free air compressors need regular maintenance and maintenance, including cleaning filter elements, checking and replacing seals, cleaning coolers, etc. These operations help to keep the machine running properly and extend its life.

2. Clean compressed air: The compressed air produced by the oil-free air compressor should be cleaned by the filter and dryer to remove potential pollutants and moisture. This prevents contaminants from entering the equipment in use, avoiding damage and failure.

3. Ensure normal ventilation: When using oil-free air compressors, ensure that there is enough space around the machine for ventilation to ensure that the machine can dissipate heat normally. Overheating can result in degraded machine performance and even breakdown.

4. Pay attention to the operating temperature of the machine: the operating temperature of the oil-free air compressor should be within the specified range, and too high a temperature will affect the performance and life of the machine. Therefore, when using an oil-free air compressor, its operating temperature should be checked regularly and necessary measures should be taken to ensure that it is in a stable range.


5. Pay attention to pressure control: the pressure of oil-free air compressor should be kept within the set range, too high or too low pressure may have a negative impact on the equipment and work efficiency. Therefore, the pressure control system should be checked and adjusted regularly.

6. Use appropriate compressed air interfaces: When connecting oil-free air compressors and using equipment, appropriate compressed air interfaces and connectors should be used. This ensures the stable transmission of compressed air and the normal operation of the equipment.

7. Regularly check and replace the filter element: the filter element of the oil-free air compressor needs to be regularly checked and replaced to ensure the positive filtration effect and air quality. The level of contamination of the filter element will affect the performance and life of the machine, so please replace it as recommended in the operating manual.

8. Pay attention to the load of the machine: the working load of the oil-free air compressor should be within the specified range, and too high a load will lead to overheating and failure of the machine. Therefore, when using oil-free air compressors, ensure that the load is appropriate and avoid overload operation.

9. Regular discharge of waste water: The oil-free air compressor will produce a certain amount of waste water during operation, and it should be discharged regularly to prevent the accumulation of waste water and affect the normal work of the machine.

10. Regularly check the performance and status of the machine: The performance and status of the oil-free air compressor should be checked regularly to ensure its normal operation. If any exception occurs, take measures in time to prevent the fault.


The use of oil-free air compressors requires attention to maintenance and maintenance, clean compressed air, ventilation and control of operating temperature, pressure control, the use of appropriate interfaces, inspection and replacement of filter elements, attention to load, discharge of waste water and regular inspection of the performance of the machine, etc. By adhering to these precautions, you can ensure the stable and efficient operation of oil-free air compressors and extend their service life.Get more knowledge about What to Look for When Choosing an oil free air compressor Manufacturer please refer to aoguang air compressor:https://www.oil-freeaircompressor.com