Oil-free air compressor is a kind of equipment commonly used in modern industrial production, which can compress and store air for 24 hours to supply compressed air. The application range of air compressor in industrial production is very wide, such as mechanical manufacturing, electronic manufacturing, aerospace, chemical industry, construction and other fields. In use, we need to master some simple operation knowledge of air compressors in order to better maintain and maintain, and extend the service life of air compressors. Below, we will introduce some simple operation knowledge of air compressor in detail.

Cleaning and maintenance of empty press

1. Oil-free air compressor cleaning: clean the air compressor regularly to remove dust and debris on each component, so as not to affect normal use. When cleaning, you should first turn off the power, remove the air filter and air intake, and use a soft brush and detergent to clean the difficult place.

2. Oil-free air compressor maintenance: In the process of using the air compressor, some simple maintenance work should be carried out regularly, such as checking the condition of the lubricating oil, regularly replacing the lubricating oil and air filter.

Second, the adjustment and monitoring of oil-free air compressor


1. Pressure regulation of oil-free air compressor: the output pressure of air compressor should meet the process requirements, if the pressure is too high or too low, it will affect the normal operation and service life of air compressor. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly adjust the pressure of the air compressor to ensure that the output pressure is stable within the set range.

2. Monitoring of oil-free air compressor: In the process of using air compressor, it is necessary to monitor it regularly, such as checking whether the voltage is stable, whether the pressure is normal, and whether the operation is smooth. If any exception is found, handle it in time to avoid adverse impact on the device.

Three, oil-free air compressor troubleshooting

1. Air leakage of oil-free air compressor: If air leakage occurs during the operation of the air compressor, it will affect its normal use. The elimination method is generally to check the air pipeline, air source filter, pneumatic actuator, etc., to determine the leakage position and repair.

2. The temperature of the oil-free air compressor is too high: if the temperature is too high during the working process of the air compressor, it will affect the normal operation and service life of the equipment. The elimination method is generally to check the cooling system, lubrication system, air filter, etc., determine the cause and repair.

The above is the simple operation of the oil-free air compressor, and I hope it will be helpful to you. In the process of using oil-free air compressors, we need to be good at finding problems and dealing with them in time to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and extend the service life.

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