Oil-free air compressor is a widely used compressed air equipment in modern industry. Because of its oil-free lubrication, it can improve air quality and reduce the time and cost of maintenance. However, in the process of use, oil-free air compressors will also have some fault problems, as follows are common troubleshooting methods:

1. Insufficient air pressure

When there is insufficient air pressure in the oil-free air compressor, it is first necessary to check whether the air filter is blocked or needs to be replaced. If there is no problem with the filter, then it is necessary to check whether the compressor exhaust pressure regulator is working properly and whether it needs to be cleaned and repaired.

2. The compressor overheats

When the oil-free air compressor runs for a long time or the ambient temperature is high, the compressor may overheat. In this case, it is necessary to check whether the cooling system is working properly, whether the cooling system needs to be replaced or cleaned, and whether the exhaust pressure of the compressor is too high.

3. The compressor makes excessive noise

If there is too much noise in the oil-free air compressor, it is necessary to first check whether the machine is in a stable state and whether there are loose or damaged parts. If it is confirmed that there is no problem with the machine, it is necessary to check whether there is foreign matter or obstruction in the air supply line, and it is also necessary to check whether the cylinder and piston need to be cleaned or replaced.

4. The compressor leaks

When there is air leakage in the oil-free air compressor, it is necessary to first check whether the air supply pipeline and joints are loose or damaged, and it is necessary to repair and replace them in time. It is also necessary to check whether the cylinder and piston need to be cleaned or replaced.


5. The compressor fails to start

If the oil-free air compressor is difficult to start, it is necessary to first check whether the power supply is normal, whether the motor is burned out or needs to be replaced. If the power supply is normal, then it is necessary to check whether the starter and starting capacitor are working properly and need to be repaired or replaced.

6. Compressor oil is insufficient

Although oil-free air compressors do not need to use lubricating oil, some models of machines need to add oil to some parts. When the oil is insufficient, it is necessary to add enough oil in time, and it is also necessary to replace the old oil regularly.

7. The compressor has odor and smoke

If the oil-free air compressor has odor and smoke, it is necessary to stop the machine first for inspection, and then restart the operation after troubleshooting. The odor and smoke may be caused by a short circuit of the motor or coil, which needs to be repaired and replaced in time.

8. Insufficient air dryness

During the use of oil-free air compressors, there may also be insufficient air dryness. At this time, it is necessary to check whether the air filter needs to be replaced, and it is also necessary to check whether the dryer is working normally and whether it needs to be replaced or repaired.

In summary, oil-free air compressors may have a variety of failure problems during use. Different troubleshooting methods are required for different faults. In daily use, it is necessary to regularly maintain and maintain the oil-free air compressor to ensure its normal operation.

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